Monday 20 April 2015

IPSO Public opinion backs tougher regulation - YouGov poll

The numbers are open to interpretation it must be said. The Guardian uncritically reflects the reading of Hacked Off (who commissioned the poll) - remember, 'source strategy' is one key way to assess a paper - but there is scope to read the numbers as showing only lukewarm support, and quite a split.
The poll findings suggest very limited public confidence in IPSO. If Labour forms the next government after the upcoming election, its very likely that the whole issue of press regulation will be re-visited. If its another Tory-led government, this is much less likely.


Miliband has been consistently targeted by rightwing newspapers, which have criticised both his suitability to be prime minister and his policies on issues including benefits, taxation and the EU.
However, a third of those surveyed said the Labour leader’s criticism of the press and calls for tougher regulation also contributed to hostility.
Despite that criticism, nearly a quarter of those surveyed said Ed Miliband’s stance on press regulation had made them respect him more, rising to 42% among those who intend to vote Labour.
According to the poll, almost two-thirds of the public do not think the behaviour of the press has improved since the Leveson inquiry.
A quarter said press behaviour had improved, but nearly the same proportion said behaviour had got worse.
The study also found that three-fifths lack confidence in a system of self-regulation set up by newspapers, which currently takes the form of Ipso, and 59% of those surveyed support tougher regulation of the press.
The study found support for tougher regulation even among the readers of newspapers that have been most opposed to stronger measures.
More than half of Daily Mail readers and two-fifths of Sun readers said they want tougher press regulation, while just one in five Mail readers and a quarter of Sun readers back self-regulation of the press.

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